历 lì to experience; to undergo; to pass through
Made up of [厂 chǎng cliff; factory; depot radical 27, 力 lì strength radical 19]Similar looking characters : 厉 lì (strict)
Alternative traditional form of character: 歷
Made with 4 strokes.
The cliff radical may suggest a path on a steep slope. Li is the phonetic but also contributes idea of endeavor through 'strength'.
Related characters
Also uses 厂 chǎng component: 岸 àn (bank) 厕 cè (toilet) ; 盾 dùn (shield) ; 反 fǎn (contrary) ; 后 hòu (behind) ; 厉 lì (strict) ; 原 yuán (former)
Also uses 力 lì component: 边 biān (side) 动 dòng (to use) ; 功 gōng (accomplishment) ; 咖 kā (coffee) ; 劳 láo (to toil) ; 另 lìng (other) ; 男 nán (male) ; 穷 qióng (exhausted) ; 苏 sū (revive) ; 为 wèi (do) ; 务 wù (affair)
Sounds same
力 lì (strength) ; 立 lì (stand) ; 利 lì (sharp) ; 厉 lì (strict) ; 丽 lì (beautiful)Different tone
离 lí (Fire) ; 离 lí ; 梨 lí (pear) ; 里 lǐ (inside) ; 礼 lǐ (ceremony) ; 理 lǐ (texture) ; 李 lǐ (plum)
Stroke order for character 历, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license ➚