wèn ask

Made up of [ mén entrance; gate radical 169, kǒu mouth radical 30]
Similar looking characters : jiàn (gap)
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 6 strokes.
A representation of a 'mouth' at a 'gateway' or entrance to a house suggesting a question asked in greeting

Related characters

Also uses mén component: jiàn (gap) jiān (between) ; mén (s) ; rùn (leap) ; wén (to hear) ; xián (to stay idle)
Also uses kǒu component: (supposition or suggestion) chàng (to sing) ; chāo (to exceed) ; chī (to eat) ; chuán (boat) ; fēi (coffee) ; (rich) ; (good fortune) ; gào (to tell) ; (each) ; gōng (palace) ; gǒu (dog) ; (ancient) ; hāi (sound of sighing) ; hào (name) ; (together) ; (to close) ; (drink) ; hēng (prosperous) ; hòu (behind) ; huí (to circle) ; huò (maybe) ; (lucky) ; jiào (called) ; jīng (capital) ; jiù (fault) ; (sentence) ; (office) ; jūn (monarch) ; (coffee) ; (can) ; lìng (other) ; (?) ; mìng (life) ; míng (name) ; míng (to call (birds)) ; ne (and you?) ; (hops) ; pǐn (article) ; (as) ; shàng (still) ; shì (matter) ; shǐ (history) ; suī (although) ; tái (typhoon) ; táng (Tang) ; tīng (to listen) ; tóng (same) ; (to be fond of) ; xiōng (elder brother) ; yǎo (to bite) ; yòu (right) ; (language) ; yuán (person) ; yuē (to speak) ; zhān (to observe) ; zhī (one) ; zhī (to know) ; zhōu (circuit) ; (foot)

Different tone

wén (script) ; wén (to hear)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License

stroke order for 问
Stroke order for character 问, kindly provided under Wikimedia creative commons license


不耻下问 bù chǐ xià wèn There is no shame in asking help from those less fortunate or senior than yourself.
明知故问 míng zhī gù wèn To ask a question when already knowing the answer


qǐng wèn nǐ jiào shén me What is your name?