Wú wàng Unforeseen Honesty [hexagram 25]

Yang line Yang line Yang line Yin line Yin line Yang - controlling line

Not false, not reckless

Heaven over Thunder
Metal Metal element

Earth Wind/Wood
Shēng [46] Ascent; Growing up
Mountain Heaven
Dà xù [26] Impeded; Great nourishment
Wind/Wood Mountain
Jiàn [53] Progression; Gradual development

Lunar month: 9 ; Host or Controlling line : 1
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: , . 眚, . Wú wàng: yuán hēng, lì zhēn. qí fěi zhèng yǒu shěng, bù lì yǒu yōu wǎng.

Wu Wang indicates great progress and success, while there will be advantage in being firm and correct. If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction.

: , , . , , , . 眚, . , 矣?佑, 矣哉? Tuàn zhuàn: Wú wàng, gāng zì wài lái, ér wéi zhǔ yú nèi. Dòng ér jiàn, gāng zhōng ér yīng, dà hēng yǐ zhèng, tiān zhī mìng yě. Qí fěi zhèng yǒu shěng, bù lì yǒu yōu wǎng. Wú wàng zhī wǎng, hé zhī yǐ? Tiān mìng bù yòu, xíng yǐ zāi?

In Wu Wang we have the strong (first) line come from the outer (trigram), and become in the inner trigram lord (of the whole figure); we have (the attributes of) motive power and strength; we have the strong line (of the fifth place) in the central position, and responded to (by the weak second): - there will be ‘great progress proceeding from correctness; such is the appointment of Heaven. ’If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction:‘ - whither can he (who thinks he is) free from all insincerity, (and yet is as here described) proceed? Can anything be done (advantageously) by him whom the (will and) appointment of Heaven do not help?

: , ; , 育. Xiàng zhuàn: Tiān xià léi xíng, wù yǔ wú wàng; xiān wáng yǐ mào duì shí, yù wàn wù.

The thunder rolls all under the sky, and to (every)thing there is given (its nature), free from all insincerity. The ancient kings, in accordance with this, (made their regulations) in complete accordance with the seasons, thereby nourishing all things.

young yang young yang young yang young yin young yin changing yang
I Ching transform
[12] Stagnation; Hindrance
: , . Chū jiǔ: wú wàng, wǎng jí.

The first ‘nine’, undivided, shows its subject free from all insincerity. His advance will be accompanied with good fortune.

: , . Xiàng zhuàn: Wú wàng zhī wǎng, dé zhì yě.

When 'he who is free from insincerity makes any movement,' he will get what he desires.

young yang young yang young yang young yin changing yin young yang
I Ching transform
[10] Slow advance; Fulfillment
: 耕获, 菑畲, . Liù èr: bù gēng huò, bù zī yú, zé lì yǒu yōu wǎng.

The second ‘six’, divided, shows one who reaps without having plowed (that he might reap), and gathers the produce of his third year's fields without having cultivated them the first year for that end. To such a one there will be advantage in whatever direction he may move.

: 耕获, . Xiàng zhuàn: Bù gēng huò, wèi fù yě.

'He reaps without having plowed:' - (the thought of) riches to be got had not risen (in his mind).

young yang young yang young yang changing yin young yin young yang
I Ching transform
Tóng rén [13] Aggregation; Fellowship
: , , , . Liù sān: wú wàng zhī zāi, huò xì zhī niú, xíng rén zhī dé, yì rén zhī zāi.

The third ‘six’, divided, shows calamity happening to one who is free from insincerity - as in the case of an ox that has been tied up. A passer by finds it (and carries it off), while the people in the neighborhood have the calamity (of being accused and. apprehended).

: , . Xiàng zhuàn: Xíng rén de niú, yì rén zāi yě.

'The passer-by gets the ox:' - this proves a calamity to the people of the neighborhood.

young yang young yang changing yang young yin young yin young yang
I Ching transform
[42] Increase; Gain
: , . Jiǔ sì: kě zhēn, wú jiù.

The fourth ‘nine’, undivided, shows (a case) in which, if its subject can remain firm and correct, there will be no error.

: , . Xiàng zhuàn: Kě zhēn wú jiù, gù yǒu zhī yě.

'If he can remain firm and correct there will be no error:' - he firmly holds fast (his correctness).

young yang changing yang young yang young yin young yin young yang
I Ching transform
噬嗑 Shì kè [21] Gnawing; Eradicating
: 疾, . Jiǔ wǔ: wú wàng zhī jí, wù yào yǒu xǐ.

The fifth ‘nine’, undivided, shows one who is free from insincerity, and yet has fallen ill. Let him not use medicine, and he will have occasion for joy (in his recovery).

: , . Xiàng zhuàn: Wú wàng zhī yào, bù kě shì yě.

'Medicine in the case of one who is free from insincerity!' - it should not be tried (at all).

changing yang young yang young yang young yin young yin young yang
I Ching transform
Suí [17] Sucession; Pursuit
: , 眚, . Shàng jiǔ: wú wàng, xíng yǒu shěng, wú yōu lì.

The topmost ‘nine’, undivided, shows its subject free from insincerity, yet sure to fall into error, if he take action. (His action) will not be advantageous in any way.

: , . Xiàng zhuàn: Wú wàng zhī xíng, qióng zhī zāi yě.

'The action (in this case) of one who is free from insincerity' will occasion the calamity arising from action (when the time for it is) exhausted.

This translation of the YiJing classic text uses the original Chinese including the Xiàng zhuàn commentary converted to modern simplified characters and pinyin. The English translation is based on William Legge (1899) which is now out of copyright. We have changed some wording and converted to American spelling. We hope to replace this with a more modern translation.

See also