certainly; must; will

Made up of [ xīn heart radical 61, 丿 piě 'slash' radical 4]
Made with 5 strokes.
Can be thought of as a blow to the heart - a compulsion

Related characters

Also uses xīn component: cōng (quick at hearing) (virtue) dìng (how) è (evil) niàn (to read) nín (you (polite)) (to think) wàng (to forget) xiǎng (to think) (idea) yuàn (to hope) zhì (aspiration)
Also uses 丿 piě component: (younger brother) (at) jiǔ (long time) jiǔ (nine) (music) me (what) nǎi (to be) nián (year) shǎo (less) shēng (produce) shī (to lose) (do not) (fifth (ordinal)) (noon) (justice) zhī (him) (clan)

Sounds same

Different tone

(pen) (spoon)

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哀兵必胜 āi bīng bì shèng Strong emotion galvanizes effort
迟开的花未必不香 chí kāi de huā wèi bì bú xiāng It's never too late to try something new
骄兵必败 jiāo bīng bì bài Over-confidence will lead to defeat
空穴来风未必无因 kōng xuè lái féng wèi bì wú yīn There are always clues that something is about to happen
物极必反 wù jí bì fǎn Things will turn around in the opposite direction when they reach the highest point
智者千虑必有一失 zhì zhě qiān lǜ bì yǒu yī shī One small mistake does not discredit a wise person