huā flower

Made up of [ cǎo grass; herb radical 140, spoon; ladle radical 21, rén Person (radical) radical 9]
Made with 7 strokes.
The radical indicates it is to do with plants, the lower part represents tumbling upside down - transformation and hence the production of a flower
Ancient small seal form Small seal

Related characters

Also uses cǎo component: cài (vegetable) cǎo (grass) ; chá (tea) ; dǒng (to understand) ; jié (joint) ; (bitter) ; lán (blue) ; láo (to toil) ; mǎn (to fill) ; māo (cat) ; měng (Mongol) ; (do not) ; píng (apple) ; (grape) ; qián (front) ; ruò (to seem) ; (revive) ; táo (grapes) ; yào (medicine) ; (skill) ; yīng (flower) ; zàng (treasury) ; zhēng (to steam)
Also uses component: běi (north) (this) ; huà (to make into) ; huá (splendid) ; lǎo (venerable) ; ne (and you?) ; néng (to be able to) ; (die) ; (it)
Also uses rén component: bǐng (both) chàng (to initiate) ; dài (replace) ; dàn (but) ; dào (fall) ; 仿 fǎng (to imitate) ; fèn (portion) ; gōng (to provide) ; (estimate) ; (what) ; hòu (wait) ; hóu (nobleman) ; huà (to make into) ; huá (splendid) ; jiàn (healthy) ; liǎng (pair) ; mén (s) ; (you) ; rén (humane) ; shén (what) ; (he) ; wèi (position) ; xiān (immortal) ; xìn (letter) ; (night) ; 亿 (100,000,000) ; yōu (distant) ; zhí (value) ; zhù (to live) ; zhuàn (biography) ; zuò (to do) ; zuò (to make)

Different tone

huá (splendid) ; huà (speech) ; huà (to make into) ; huà (to draw)

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攀枝花 Panzhihua, Sichuan


迟开的花未必不香 chí kāi de huā wèi bì bú xiāng It's never too late to try something new
花花世界 huā huā shì jiè World seething with life
锦上添花 jǐn shàng tiān huā Taking too much trouble with detail to try to achieve perfection. Fiddling when already complete
镜花水月 jìng huā shuǐ yuè Beautiful but unattainable dreams. Unrealistic ambitions
心花怒放 xīn huā nù fàng Full flowering of joy
走马看花 zǒu mǎ kàn huā To take a cursory look at something. Smug


花朝节 Huā zhāo jié Flower Festival
杜鹃花 dù juān huā azalea
花朵 huā duǒ flowers
荷花 hé huā lotus
木兰花 mù lán huā magnolia