jiān difficult; hard; hardship

Made up of [ gèn stubborn radical 138, yòu also; in addition; and radical 29]
Alternative traditional form of character:
Made with 8 strokes.
The right hand part is 'gen' stubborn, the left hand part has changed from 'ge' (animal hide) to a hange

Related characters

Also uses gèn component: gēn (heel) hěn (very) liáng (good) yín (silver)
Also uses yòu component: bào (to announce) (to pass) duì (right) (to send out) fǎn (contrary) (clothes) hàn (chinese) huān (merry) (and) (fowl) nán (difficult) (to take) shèng (holy) shòu (to receive) shù (tree) shuāng (pair) yǒu (friend) (pool) zhī (to support)

Sounds same

jiān (narrow) jiān (between)

Different tone

jiǎn (scissors) jiàn (healthy) jiàn (see) jiàn jiàn (to establish) jiàn (gap) jiàn (arrow)

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