shù tree; to cultivate; to set up

Made up of [ wood; wooden radical 75, yòu also; in addition; and radical 29, cùn unit of length; inch; thumb radical 41]
Made with 9 strokes.
Tree with unhelpful phonetic component

Related characters

Also uses component: bǎn (board) bēi (cup) ; běn (root) ; cài (vegetable) ; cǎi (color) ; chá (tea) ; chái (firewood) ; chuáng (bed) ; gān (pole) ; guǒ (fruit) ; (machine) ; jìn (to prohibit) ; jìn (to prohibit) ; (tangerine) ; (of plants) ; lái (arrive) ; (plum) ; (pear) ; lín (forest) ; lóu (multi-story building) ; (board game) ; qín (Qin) ; qīn (parent) ; róu (soft) ; shā (to kill) ; shù (method) ; song (Song) ; tiáo (strip) ; wèi (not yet) ; xián (to stay idle) ; xiāng (each other) ; xiào (school) ; (chair) ; zhí (to plant) ; zhī (branch) ; zhuō (table)
Also uses yòu component: bào (to announce) (to pass) ; duì (right) ; (to send out) ; fǎn (contrary) ; (clothes) ; hàn (chinese) ; huān (merry) ; (and) ; (fowl) ; jiān (difficult) ; nán (difficult) ; (to take) ; shèng (holy) ; shòu (to receive) ; shuāng (pair) ; yǒu (friend) ; (pool) ; zhī (to support)
Also uses cùn component: (get) duì (right) ; fēng (to confer) ; guò (past) ; jiāng (will) ; shè (to shoot) ; shí (time) ; (Buddhist temple)

Sounds same

shù (method)

Different tone

shū (book) ; shū (spear) ; shǔ (heat) ; shǔ (office)

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交个朋友多条路,树个敌人多堵墙 jiāo gè péng you duō tiáo lù, shù gè dí rén duō dǔ qiáng It is better to make friends than enemies
人要脸,树要皮 rén yaò liǎn, shù yaò pí Reputation ('face') must be maintained at all costs
十年树木,百年树人 shí nián shù mù, bǎi nián shù rén Studying may be slow and arduous but will be worth it
树倒猢狲散 shù daǒ hú sūn sàn When a leader loses power, his followers are disorganized and also lose power. Often said to warn someone that they hold their position only so long as their patron is in power
树高千丈叶落归根 shù gāo qiān zhàng yè luò guī gēn People living far away will eventually comes back home
树欲静而风不止 shù yù jìng ěr fēng bù zhǐ In spite of a wish for peace, trouble is brewing. Things develop regardless of how you might wish. Powerless to influence outcome


枣树 zǎo shù jujube