zuò sit

Made up of [ earth; soil radical 32, rén person radical 9]
Made with 7 strokes.
Two people sitting on the ground

Related characters

Also uses component: cháng (threshing floor) chéng (city) (earth) guī (jade tablet) guī (jade tablet) hēi (black) jiāng (border) kuài (piece) (inside) líng (mound) (go) sàng (to lose) shèng (holy) (Buddhist temple) zài (exist) zhì (to arrive) zhōu (circuit) zǒu (walk) zuò (seat)
Also uses rén component: chá (tea) cóng (from) (why) huì (can) jīn (modern) jiǔ (long time) lìng (to order) shè (residence) shí (eat) (to use) zhòng (many) zuò (seat)

Sounds same

zuò (seat) zuò (to do) zuò (to make)

Different tone

zuó (previous) zuǒ (left)

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Sound file kindly provided by shtooka.net under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License


如坐针毡 rú zuò zhēn zhān To feel tense and uneasy
坐怀不乱 zuò huái bù luàn To describe a man who refuses to be tempted by lustful thoughts
坐井观天 zuò jǐng guān tiān A blinkered or limited view of the world